We understand that prompt care and expertise are paramount while dealing with potentially life- threatening situations. Our Accident & Emergency Department is manned by qualified doctors trained in Emergency Medicine with the ultimate aim of providing care and relief to patients. We offer a variety of medical services to patients who need urgent medical attention, surgical procedures, and/or acute care. The scope of services offered includes but is not limited to consultations, whereby a patient is carefully diagnosed by the attending physician to ascertain the condition the patient presents with. It is a specialized centre for patients presenting with complex traumatic injuries offering services.
I Our Accident & Emergency department in Jaiprakash Hospital is a reputed and recognized centre for the treatment of all cardiovascular problems, dealing with heart failure, structural deformities as well as valvular heart diseases, and Acute myocardial infarction among other heart conditions. State-of-the-art technologies & equipment, highly experienced critical care doctors, and super-skilled nurses and technicians have made Jaiprakash Hospital a ‘go-to’ option for everybody seeking emergency and critical care. We understand that every second is critical for the patient.
Common diseases and conditions handled by the department:
- Cardiac Emergencies
- Pulmonary Emergencies
- Surgical Emergencies
- Trauma-Related Emergencies/Crush Injuries
- Obstetrics & Gynecological Emergencies
- Pediatrics Emergencies
- Infectious Emergencies
- Burns And Plastic Emergencies
- Acute respiratory Diseases
- Hypertensive Emergencies
- Massive Upper GI Bleeding related emergencies
- Obstructive uropathy related emergencies.
Common diseases and conditions handled by the department:
- Cardiac Emergencies
- Pulmonary Emergencies
- Surgical Emergencies
- Trauma-Related Emergencies/Crush Injuries
- Obstetrics & Gynecological Emergencies
- Pediatrics Emergencies
- Infectious Emergencies
- Burns And Plastic Emergencies
- Acute respiratory Diseases
- Hypertensive Emergencies
- Massive Upper GI Bleeding related emergencies
- Obstructive uropathy related emergencies.